Located in the Industrial Processing Zone in Biyagama, Sri Lanka, the company shares the ownership among Richard Pieris Exports Plc, Kegalle Plantations Plc and Richard Pieris & Co Plc. This ownership has enabled a unique and a vital supply chain integration for Richard Pieris Natural Foams Limited to manufacture the best latex foam products in the world including natural latex foam mattresses, toppers and pillows..
is our strength which is exhausted in manufacturing the purest all natural latex mattresses certified by globally recognized certifying bodies for ECO LGA, Oeko Tex, GOLS, STROKE, ABC and SATRA. We now supply the Arpico Organic Latex product line complying with GOLS (Global Organic Latex Standards) by the Control Union.
Since the production of our first mattress in 1952, RPNF’s has taken vast strides through continuous research and development in the natural foam rubber technology. High quality 100% natural latex manufactured by Arpico under Kegalle Plantations Plc
The production prowess of RPNF has created a world market for our natural latex, enabling RPNF to emerge the global leader in 100% pure natural latex manufacturing. Today the versatile production capabilities of RPNF meet the demands of over 22 countries world wide.
Arpitalian Compact Soles (Pvt) Limited

Arpilite presents to you an opportunity to enhance the value of your shoes to fashion conscious, quality conscious upwardly mobile young consumers. Arpilite compact resin rubber soles comes to you with colours and designs which have become
Arpilite Soles are manufactured and marketed by Arpitalian Compact Soles (Pvt) Ltd., a joint venture between the Richard Pieris Group of Companies, one of the most experienced and reputed organizations involved in the rubber products industry in Sri Lanka and DAVOS s.p.a., an experienced and reputed shoe sole manufacturer from Italy. DAVOS has provided the technical expertise to set up Arpitalian's manufacturing facility, which is one of the most modern rubber sheet manufacturing and varnishing plants in South Asia.
designs which have become the craze in fashion centers of the world such as Milan, Paris, London and New York. Colours and designs are continuously updated to keep up with fashion trends and can be customized to meet the requirements of shoe designers and marketers.
Arpilite soles and heels are made with highest quality resin rubber formulations and conforms to technical specifications and standards set out by SATRA (UK) and Italian shoe manufacturers. Product reports issued by SATRA after testing Arpilite Soles certify that these are firm resin rubber soles with good abrasion resistance. They further recommend these sheets as a sole material for men's, women's and children's everyday footwear having cemented construction.

Arpitalian's personnel were trained by DAVOS to maintain the high quality standards required by them. Arpitalian's manufacturing facility is located in the Biyagama Export
Processing Zone, which is managed by the Board of Investment of Sri Lanka. It is located in close proximity to the Colombo harbor and Katunayake International Airport